Monday, March 18

how to spruce up your couch {DIY throw pillows}

What's a cheapskate sort of girl to do when her couch pillows are in serious need of sprucing up, and brand-new throw pillows cost an arm and a leg? 
I thought about the thrift store option, but the thought of other people's dead skin and things on my "new" pillows grossed me out... TMI?  This girl thinks about such things.  I'd been scouring clearance aisles for weeks looking for cheap pillows that could either be used the way they were, or be re-covered. 
 I finally found some on sale after Christmas, and received a giftcard to a local quilt store to buy some fabric to recover said pillows.  They were the perfect size and firmness - it took me two months of seeing the (not my style) new pillows gracing my couch for me to get the opportunity to sew the new covers.


4 clearance throw pillows at $7.49 each turned into...

 ...two red and two paisley covers.  Mission to spruce up the couches completed.  I love them. 
If you're curious, both fabrics are by Moda, and the one on the right is in the Urban Cowgirl line.  The name of the print on the left escapes me at the moment.  


If you're a seamstress, and want a tip:  I tried something new this time, and used fusible fleece on the wrong side of the fabric before sewing them together.  The covers are thick and firm feeling like they came right from the store this way.  I'll definitely do this again! 

Looking for a DIY Pillow Tutorial to help you on your way since I'm too busy to write you one?  This is exactly the way I did mine, minus the serger to sew the edges...  I didn't use directions, so I can't vouch for the correctness of them, but this will lead you in the right direction. 


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3 comments on "how to spruce up your couch {DIY throw pillows}"
  1. LOOOOOOOVE the pillows! I am a pillow junky! Did I mention I like pillows?:-D Love those Amanda!
    In Christ,


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